Saturday, January 20, 2007

Insight magazine has run an interesting article, helping to illustrate the battle lines of the 2008 election.

Hillary's team has questions about Obama's Muslim background

The article states Team Hillary investigated junior Illnois senator Barack Obama and discovered he was educated for a while in a madrassa in Indonesia. The investigation is seeking to determine if this particular Muslim seminary was funded by the Saudis, and if it preached the radical Wahabbist doctrine. Even more, sources say the investigation may uncover whether Obama is still a Muslim, although the article states he attends a United Church of Christ church.

So what's the real story here? It's simple. Hillary's scared to death of this guy.

Who could really blame her? Obama's got everything folks want in a president, except one big thing, which we'll get to later.

Obama's handsome, well-spoken, and youthful. You might even call him Capitol Hill's version of The Rock. This non-Baby Boomer politician automatically grabs the attention of the Generation X and Y folks, who will surely look for one of their own to run.

The only thing Obama doesn't have is experience. In truth, he's a political lightweight, but that can also work in his favor, as he doesn't have a heavy track record to laden him down.

Hillary, meanwhile, is viewed as a shrill, political shrew. She's always been viewed as ambitious and ruthless, ever since the dawn of the ill-fated Hillarycare of the early 1990s.

Since giving the popular, centrist speech at the Democratic convention in 2004, Obama's been a media darling. At that moment, he won the hearts and minds of many Democrats, enough to be a shoo-in Veep candidate, something the party bosses surely had in mind. But maybe it's gotten out of hand. Maybe now Obama wants the big prize for himself. And as we saw in the 1990s, Team Klinton stops at nothing to get what they want.

And watch out, now Hillary's got the Obama front to contend with, there's still one bad man hiding behind that tree he just hugged. Al Gore.


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