Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Supremes get one right

In striking down the DC gun ban, the Supreme Court has, finally, done something right. After granting habeus corpus rights to terrorists and preventing the execution of kiddie rapists, at least one right of real Americans are preserved. A 5-4 ruling illustrates just how important this election is. While John McCain might appoint another windvane moderate, Barack Obama will certainly appoint raging leftists.

I certainly don't agree with a lot of what Michael Savage says, or how he says it, but he got this one right.

The Arrogant Press

I am now following in the pattern of numerous other bloggers, banning the Associated Press from my site.

This is in response to their arrogant policy proposal to charge individual bloggers who even do as much as link their stories. I can understand they'd want something for wholesale taking, but posting a link? Come on.

I removed the one AP-linked story I had posted. No further will follow.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Tim Russert passes away

Just heard the sad news of the passing of one of the few true journalists remaining. Tim Russert died today at the age of 58, apparently from a heart attack.

As I read the story, he just completed a vacation with his family, a good way to use up the last few hours he had, even if he didn't know it.

Send best wishes and prayers for his friends and family.
Update on Scouts

According to the Mid-America Council of the Boy Scouts of America, they have no plans to establish a memorial fund for the boys at this time. However, they expect something will be established in the future.

Again, we'll keep updated on this.

The names of the lost:

Sam Thomsen, 13
Josh Fennen, 13
Aaron Eilerts, 14
Ben Petrzilka, 14
Learn more about the Boy Scouts lost profiles the four young bright lives killed in the storm this week.

This makes the loss all the more painful.
Boy Scouts remembered

As an Eagle Scout myself, I feel the pain of the loss of these boys. The Boy Scouts are a truly great organization, and helped make me the man I am too.

You can tell from this account these boys are the future leaders to save this country. I can tell from my experience, this is how Scouts respond to an emergency.

I'm going to continue to research this story, and publish a link to send memorial gifts to the families of these boys, or make a gift in their honor.
Zimbabwe continues its decline

Robert Mugabe's goons show some true manhood, hacking up a defenseless woman. Dadirai Chipiro was the wife of a political opposition leader.

Let's see the UN respond effectively to this situation. And let's not hold our breath.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Remember D-Day

Take a moment today to reflect on and give thanks to the thousands who hit the surf at Normandy Beach, 64 years ago today.

I will have more on this tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Hillary prepares to bite the dust

Fox News reports Hillary plans to concede on Friday.

Man oh man, I do NOT want to be everyone who has to be near this woman for the near future.

"What happened?" must be resonating through her head. "I am a queen! Doesn't everyone know that! I'm entitled to this!"

So now, Obama must decide who will be his VP. I don't think it will be Hillary, but I do expect to see an announcement made soon that he will toss her a nice political dog yummy, like getting ready to attempt a second takeover of the nation's health care industry.

Meanwhile, Obama still has some issues of his own, like Tony Rezko getting convicted.
Obama claims the nomination!

I thought it would happen. Barack Obama claims the Democratic nomination.

Will Hillary finally pack it in? I don't think so!

Now, Obama's got to figure out what to do about Hillary. I don't think she'll accept a vice presidential role. The Clintons are driven just enough to run indepenedently and sink their own party, just to get revenge.

If I was Obama, I definitely wouldn't get Hillary on board with me. He's going to have a tough enough fight against McCain without having Bill and Hillary trying to grab the driver's wheel from him.